creativity books

Bored at Home? 9 Art and Mindfulness Books to De-Stress

Do you feel bored (or stressed) stuck at home? Many of us are spending more time at home due to the Coronavirus pandemic. If you find yourself with some free time (and want to potentially spark your creativity and de-stress), here are some of the Best Art and Mindfulness Books for self care (in my opinion). :)

Click on the image below for more information about the books, as well as 7 interesting articles about creativity, trauma, and resiliency.

9 Art and Mindfulness Books to Destress:

  1. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

  2. Finding Water by Julia Cameron

  3. Walking in this World by Julia Cameron

  4. Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg

  5. The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp

  6. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

  7. Make Peace with Your Mind by Mark Coleman

  8. Art & Fear by David Bayles and Ted Ormand

Expand Your Creative Horizons: More Inspiring Reads on Art and Mindfulness

In addition to these insightful reads, consider exploring other dimensions of creativity and mindfulness through books like "Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear" by Elizabeth Gilbert. This book explores the mysterious nature of inspiration and offers an empowering perspective on creativity. Gilbert's engaging narrative encourages readers to embrace their curiosity and let go of needless suffering.

Another highly recommended book is "Mindfulness for Creativity" by Dr. Danny Penman. It provides practical exercises that blend mindfulness with creative thinking, helping to sharpen your mind, enhance creativity, and reduce stress. This book is especially useful for those looking to develop a more mindful approach to their artistic endeavors and daily life.

Remember, each book offers a unique doorway into the realms of art and mindfulness. Whether you're an artist seeking inspiration or someone looking to find peace in these turbulent times, these books can be a source of comfort and a catalyst for creative exploration. Share your experiences and thoughts on these books or any others that have touched your life, as we all navigate this journey of creativity and self-care together.

What are your favorite books about Art, Creativity, or Mindfulness?

What books help you destress and feel less anxiety and more creative? Let’s share the love! 💜